Sunday, 2 August 2015

Collection of Best Yoga Poses in the world(2 of 2)

Crane Pose:(Bakasana)
How to do the Crane Pose:
1.Squat down from Tadasana with your inner feet a few inches apart. If it isn’t possible to keep your heels on the floor, support them on a thickly folded blanket. Separate your knees wider than your hips and lean the torso forward, between the inner thighs. Stretch your arms forward, then bend your elbows, place your hands on the floor and the backs of the upper arms against the shins.
2.Snuggle your inner thighs against the sides of your torso, and your shins into your armpits, and slide the upper arms down as low onto the shins as possible. Lift up onto the balls of your feet and lean forward even more, taking the weight of your torso onto the backs of the upper arms. In Bakasana you consciously attempt to contract your front torso and round your back completely. To help yourself do this, keep  your tailbone as close to your heels as possible.

3.With an exhalation, lean forward even more onto the backs of your upper arms, to the point where the balls of your feet leave the floor. Now your torso and legs are balanced on the backs of your upper arms. As a beginner at this pose, you might want to stop here, perched securely on the bent arms.

4.But if you are ready to go further, squeeze the legs against the arms, press the inner hands firmly to the floor and (with an inhalation) straighten the elbows. Seen from the side the arms are angled slightly forward relative to the floor. The inner knees should be glued to the outer arms, high up near the armpits. Keep the head in a neutral position with your eyes looking at the floor, or lift the head slightly, without compressing the back of the neck, and look forward.

5.Stay in the pose anywhere from 20 seconds to 1 minute. To release, exhale and slowly lower your feet to the floor, back into a squat.

Dolphin Plank Pose:(Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana)

How to do the Dolphin Plank Pose:
1.Start in Dolphin Pose, knees bent. Then walk your feet back until your shoulders are directly over the elbows and your torso is parallel to the floor.

2.Press your inner forearms and elbows firmly against the floor. Firm your shoulder blades against your back and spread them away from the spine. Similarly spread your collarbones away from the sternum.

3.Press your front thighs toward the ceiling, but resist your tailbone toward the floor as you lengthen it toward the heels. Lift the base of your skull away from the back of the neck and look straight down at the floor, keeping the throat and eyes soft.

Eight Angle Pose:(Astavakrasana)

How to do the Eight Angle Pose:

1.Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), with your feet separated a bit wider than usual. Exhale, bend forward to Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), press your hands to the floor outside your feet. Then with your knees slightly bent, slip your right arm to the inside and then behind your right leg, and finally press the hand on the floor just outside your right foot. Work your right arm across the back of the right knee, until the knee is high up on the back of your right shoulder.

2.Brace your shoulder against the knee and slide your left foot to the right. Cross the left ankle in front of the right and hook the ankles. Lean slightly to the left, taking more weight on your left arm, and begin to lift your feet a few inches off the floor.

3.With the right leg supported on the shoulder, exhale and bend your elbows. Lean your torso forward and lower it toward parallel to the floor; at the same time, straighten your knees and extend your legs out to the right, parallel to the floor (and perpendicular to your torso). Squeeze your upper right arm between your thighs. Use that pressure to help twist your torso to the left. Keep your elbows in close to the torso. Look at the floor.

4.Hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Then straighten your arms slowly, lift your torso back to upright, bend your knees, unhook your ankles, and return your feet to the floor. Stand back and rest in Uttanasana for a few breaths. Then repeat the pose for the same length of time to the left.

Extended Puppy Pose:(Uttana Shishosana)

How to do the Extended Puppy Pose:

1.Come onto all fours. See that your shoulders are above your wrists and your hips are above your knees. Walk your hands forward a few inches and curl your toes under.

2.As you exhale, move your buttocks halfway back toward your heels. Keep your arms active; don’t let your elbows touch the ground.

3.Drop your forehead to the floor or to a blanket and let your neck relax. Keep a slight curve in your lower back. To feel a nice long stretch in your spine, press the hands down and stretch through the arms while pulling your hips back toward your heels.

4.Breathe into your back, feeling the spine lengthen in both directions. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute, then release your buttocks down onto your heels.

Fire Log Pose:(Agnistambhasana)

How to do the Fire Log Pose:

1.Sit on one edge of a thickly-folded blanket, knees bent, feet on the floor. Lightly shrug your shoulders up, strongly roll the heads of your upper arm bones back, and press the bottom tips of your shoulder blades into your back.

2.Slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of your right hip, and lay the outer leg on the floor. Then, stack your right leg on top of the left. Be sure the right ankle is outside the left knee (so the sole is perpendicular to the floor).

3.If you have more flexibility in the hips, you can slide your left shin forward directly below the right to increase the challenge; otherwise, keep the left heel beside the right hip. If you’re tight in the hips, you may find that bringing the ankle to the outer knee is difficult or uncomfortable. In this case, simply sit with your shins crossed in Sukhasana (Easy Pose).

4.Press through your heels and spread your toes. Keeping your front torso long, exhale and fold forward from your groins. Be sure not to round forward from your belly: Keep the space between your pubis and navel long. Lay your hands on the floor in front of your shins.
More Hip-Opener Poses

5.As you inhale, notice how your torso rises slightly; when it does, lengthen from your pubis to your sternum. Then on the next exhalation, fold deeper.

6.Hold 1 minute or more. Inhale the torso upright and uncross your legs to come out of the pose. Repeat for the same length of time with the left leg on top.

Tree Pose:(Vrikshasana)

How to do the Tree Pose: 
1.Stand tall and straight with arms by the side of your body.Bend your right knee and place the right foot high up on your left thigh. The sole of the foot should be placed flat and firmly near the root of the thigh.

2.Make sure that your left leg is straight. Find your balance.Once you are well balanced, take a deep breath in, gracefully raise your arms over your head from the side, and bring your palms together in ‘Namaste’ mudra (hands-folded position). 
3.Look straight ahead in front of you, at a distant object. A steady gaze helps maintain a steady balance.Ensure that your spine is straight. Your entire body should be taut, like a stretched elastic band. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath with a gentle smile on your face.

4.With slow exhalation, gently bring down your hands from the sides. You may gently release the right leg.Stand tall and straight as you did at the beginning of the posture. Repeat this pose with the left leg off the ground on the right thigh.

Reverse Prayer Pose (Paschim Namaskarasana)

How to do Reverse Prayer Pose:

1.Begin in Tadasana pose.Relax the shoulders and bend your knees a little.

2.Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downwards.As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards.


3.Ensure that the knees are still slightly bent and the palms are pressed firmly against each other.Stay in the position for a couple of breaths.

4.As you exhale, slowly turn the fingertips downward.Bring the arms to the side of the body and slowly come back into Tadasana.

Chair Pose:(Utkatasana)

How to do Chair Pose:

1.Stand erect with your feet slightly apart.Stretch your hands to the front with palms facing downwards. Do not bend your elbows.

2.Bend the knees and gently push your pelvis down as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair.Be comfortable or at least try to be! To get a better feel of the Chair Pose, imagine reading a newspaper or typing on a laptop as you remain seated.
3.Ensure that you keep your hands parallel to the ground.With awareness, sit straight and lengthen your spine. Relax.

4.Keep breathing and flip through the pages of the newspaper, enjoying national and international news.Sink deeper into the chair by gradually going down but ensure that your knees don’t go beyond your toes.

5.Keep going down slowly and then sit down in Sukhasana (cross-legged posture). If you want, you may lie down on your back and relax.

Upward Plank Pose:(Poorvottanasana)

How to Practice the Upward Plank Pose:

1.Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.Place the palms on the floor around the waist or at shoulder level, fingertips pointing away from you. Do not bend the arms.

2.Lean back and support the weight of your body with your hands.Breathing in, raise the pelvis up, keeping the whole body straight.

3.Keep your knees straight and bring the feet flat to the floor. Place the toes on the ground and the sole will then tend to be on the ground. Let the head fall back towards the floor.

4.Hold the pose and continue breathing.As you exhale, come back to a sitting position and relax.Repeat the posture with your fingers pointing in the opposite direction.

Plow Pose (Halasana)

How to do Plow Pose:

1.Lie on your back with your arms beside you, palms downwards.As you inhale, use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet off the floor, raising your legs vertically at a 90 degree angle.

2.Continue to breathe normally and supporting your hips and back with your hands, lift them off the ground.

3.Allow your legs to sweep in a 180 degree angle over your head till your toes touch the floor. Your back should be perpendicular to the floor. This may be difficult initially, but make an attempt for a few seconds.

4.Tip: Do this slowly and gently. Ensure that you do not strain your neck or push it into the ground.Hold this pose and let your body relax more and more with each steady breath.

5.After about a minute (a few seconds for beginners) of resting in this pose, you may gently bring your legs down on exhalation.Tip: Avoid jerking your body, while bringing the legs down.